Dec 15, 2012

Canal del Ninet / Ot el Bruixot at La Filigrana

El Ninet looking down upon the canyon
El Ninet is a rather small crag in Montserrat, but due to its location at the verge of the mountain's north face it's widely visible and because of its overhanging appearance it's a quite famous feat. El Ninet also gives name to a sort of canyon / chimney, which allows even non-climbers to conquer the otherwise prohibitively steep rock wall, that can be seen when looking at Montserrat from the North. This canyon leads straight to the upper part of the Agulles sector, where numerous spires formed of conglomerate rock offer countless climbing routes. Today, Xavi and me tried us at "La Canal Del Ninet" and since we wanted to make the most of our day, our plan also foresaw to climb a very special rock column we had made out during a previous trip - La Filigrana.

Oct 31, 2012

Om Mani Padme Hum at Agulla de l'Arbret

The weather forecast was far from encouraging, reason why Xavi and me scratched a trip to the Pyrenees in favor of a climb in Montserrat. During our last climb there, we had made out a promising rock called "L'Agulla de l'Arbret" which translates to "Little Tree's Needle" and since then a suitable route was found in the very recommendable blog "Escalatroncs".
Line description from escalatroncs

Oct 14, 2012

Miranda de les Boïgues

On top the Miranda de les Boïgues
Today, after a two months lasting abstinence, Xavi and me finally have found the time to do some climbing. Our initial idea was to do "La Agulla de Can Jorba" on the far side of Montserrat, but since I didn't buy a 60m alpine rope the day before, we had to change plans in favour of a route possible to climb with our shorter rope measuring 47m only. A glance in my climbing book which focusses on the area called "Agulles" revealed that "La Miranda de les Boïgues" would do as a proper alternative.
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Aug 6, 2012

Portella Petita and Pelada

Portella Gran as seen from Portella Petita
 Long time no climb, that's what Xavi and me thought when we went to Montserrat last Saturday. Originally we had planned to climb the Elephant, but since we were out of practice, we spontaneously decided to make some lighter routes in the Agulles sector. We first tried ourselves at the GAM line of la Portella Petita.
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Aug 3, 2012

Short holidays at Cap Roig

Elisabet is member of the Tr3s C Club, a Catalan club for cultural activities which gives important discounts to its members and once per year offers them a present as for example free access to a rather expensive concert. By means of those presents we twice attended the Festival at Castell de Peralada during the last years and two weeks ago saw Kiri Te Kanawa at the Cap Roig Gardens. In order to get the most out of our trip there, we took our tent with us and spend two nights on a campsite.

Jul 30, 2012

Clarabides - Gias

Panoramic view from the summit

My second excursion with the local mountain club aimed at two 3000m peaks in the Pyrenees: Clarabide and Gias. An incredible number of 20 hikers, mostly of an age of about 50 years participated in the excursion and Saturday at 9 am we initiated our trip to Benasc. After lunch we parked the cars on a near parking and about 2 to 3 hours later arrived at the mountain hut of Estós.

Jul 29, 2012

Herräng 2012 Week 3 Lindy Hop Intermediate 1

The second part of our holidays, we spent at a dance camp in the beautiful Swedish village of Herräng, again, but since our flight from London didn't arrive in Arlanda until half past 10 in the evening, we didn't go there directly. Instead, we went to Johannes' flat. Johannes being the German guy living in Stockholm, who saved our Herräng vacations in 2011 and who by now is a friend of us. Johannes even paid us a visit last September and this year's trip to Stockholm should have meant to meet again. Unfortunately things didn't turn out according to plans, given that Johannes had to go to Germany without further ado a day earlier. He kindly left us his flat for a night, however, which was the first of a series of aids he's offered us this year.
Herräng (top), Uppsala and Stockholm

Jul 13, 2012

Rainy London

River Thames
During the second week of July, Elisabet participated in a course aimed at singers who want to learn more about their throat's physiology, that was offered by the Royal Academy of Music in London. For me, too, a good opportunity to visit the UK.
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Jul 2, 2012

Vallibierna - 3067m

Panoramic view from the dam of Escales
The last weekend of June, Xavi and me had planned to do some mountaineering in the Balaitús area, but unfortunately he suffered a minor injury, only two days before we had planned to go there. Since I already had made up my mind, I at least wanted to do a less demanding mountain tour and decided to climb two of the most easily accessible 3000m peaks of the Pyrenees - Tuca de Vallibierna and Tuca de les Culebres.

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Jun 25, 2012


Andorra has bugs
Whenever I go to Andorra, I inevitably think about Max Frisch's play of the same name. In one scene, the protagonist visits a doctor, who, to make sure his patient would open up his mouth well wide, makes him say: 
Patient: Aaaaaaandorra. 
Doctor: And again! 
Patient Aaaaaandorra. 
Doctor: Louder!
Patient AAAAAAndorra!
Doctor: Hold the A a little longer and say it as loud as you can!
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Jun 24, 2012

Riera de Mata-rodona

Frida, a dog
Long time no see, I've been working long hours lately and even had to work some Saturdays. As a result, there was little time for hikes and whenever there was some precious spare time, I was too exhausted or simply too lazy to motivate myself for anything physically demanding. The infernal heat doesn't help neither ..... truly some lame excuses, I'm the first to admit.
But, about a week ago, I actually had a whole day off. Since Elisabet and me were unwilling to let pass by such an uncommon opportunity, we prepared some sandwiches and together with Frida (the dog) set off to Mata-rodona.
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May 16, 2012

Pont Cabradís

Pre-Pyrenean landscape
Ernst and Ulli are friends of mine. They are, by the way, the persons most responsible for me living in Catalonia, and besides own a beautiful finca in the Solsona district, in a village called Guixers. When they bought the estate, more than 10 years ago, it wasn't more than some flee-infected ruins full of goat feces, but during the years, the two of them have made a tremendous effort which transformed the finca into what it is today. There they live on about 1300m above sea level, in the middle of nowhere, and I believe to remember, that once their nearest neighbour was mentioned to live several kilometres distant. Surrounding their place, there are mountains, too, for Guixers lies in the heart of the Pre-Pyrenees. You cannot find the really high mountains there, but it's still a quite mountainous landscape. Last weekend, Lisa and me visited Ernst and we didn't let slip away the opportunity to go on a hike there...
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May 9, 2012

Camí de les Agulles

A he-goat looking at us
The other day I met with Xenia and Fermín and the three of us went to Montserrat in order to have a little hike in the Agulles area. Since them, too, have recently started climbing, I thought it was interesting to bring a book with me, I had acquired some weeks before. It's a guide of the existing climbing routes in that very zone, each with a description and a photography. At the end we didn't do much hiking, but instead went, book in hand, from one rock needle to another, eagerly searching for belays in the walls and comparing the book's descriptions with whatever we actually saw. Fun it was.
After a while of that we had picked out several routes we were considering worth trying, and hopefully someday will do so. Despite the fact that this was not what we actually had come for, it turned out to be a quite entertaining activity too.

Apr 29, 2012

Gorro Frigi

Nice view from the top
More or less a month ago, Xavi and me tried ourselves at a famous climbing route, at least on a local level, which is called Via Badalona. It goes up the Gorro Frigi, one of the most prominent needles to be found in Montserrat. Gorro Frigi in fact is such big a needle that in my opinion the word needle doesn't fit anymore. I'd call it a really fat column instead...

Apr 24, 2012

Montserratian Hike

Last Sunday was the first time that I've joined a tour, organised by my village's "Alpine Club". The route was announced as difficult and it aimed at a part of Montserrat, called Ecos, that was totally unknown to me. We met at 7 o'clock in the morning and I was astonished to see, that I would share my day with 13 more persons...
A brilliant, shiny nice bug

Apr 23, 2012


Mata-Rodona is the name of a "masia" that lies within the boundaries of the natural park of Sant Llorenç Del Munt. Not at all is it unknown to me, for I've been there several times since last year, both on foot and by bike. A Catalan flag flies on a rock above the estate, but despite of several previous attempts to get to it, it wasn't until last Saturday, that I have finally managed to do so.

Apr 7, 2012


Since I've recently changed the blog settings from "private" to "public", it's no longer impossible for my writings to reach a readership that includes other followers than me and myself. That's why I've once again decided to (try to) write this blog in English. It remains to be seen whether this decision will last or not, but as for today, in English it goes...

Mar 31, 2012

Gorro Frigi - Ein Versuch der Via Badalona

Quelle: Escalatroncs (Moltes gràcies, Eduard)
Am Samstag waren Xavi und ich klettern. Unser Ziel war die etwa 200m lange Badalonaroute auf den 1152m hohen Gorro Frigi im Montserrat. Ich weiss ehrlich gesagt nicht, warum wir genau diese Route wählten aber es schien uns, dass dies eine lange aber einfache Route sei. Ganz einfach war sie nicht. Und rauf kamen wir auch nicht. Aber der Reihe nach:
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Feb 27, 2012

La Castellassa de Can Torras

Letztes Jahr schenkte ich Elisabet ein Buch mit Fotografien aus dem Naturpark Sant Llorenç de Munt, auf das ich bereits 2010 aufmerksam geworden war. Ein ganzes Kapitel jenen Buches ist einem Gipfel namens Castellassa de Can Torras gewidmet, der von Matadepera aus hinter der Mola, dem höchsten Berg des Parks, liegt. 
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Feb 20, 2012

Gexxi - La Ferla

Nach über einem Jahr Höhlenabstinenz habe ich am vergangenen Samstag endlich mal wieder die Unterwelt besucht.
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Jan 22, 2012

Màquina del Tren und Agulla Sense Nom

Xavi auf der Agulla Sense Nom
Gestern war ich mit Xavi endlich mal wieder klettern. Er hatte sich für uns zwei der leichteren Agulles (Felsnadeln) im Montserrat ausgesucht, von denen er ausserdem wusste, dass sie sonnenbeschienen sein würden. Die 956m hohe Màquina del Tren, sowie die Agulla Sense Nom von 1060m Höhe. 
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Jan 8, 2012

Silvester 2011

3 Simons am Strand
Auch zum Jahresende 2011 wurde die Kontinuität bewahrt und so ging es am 2. Weihnachtstag mit einem luftgetrockneten Schweinebein für Mama und Papa im Handgepäck von Barcelona nach Hamburg.  
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